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What is Unity?

This popular framework is most well-known for game development. However, times have changed, and more and more industries adopt it to build apps that improve their daily operations.

What is Unity? How does Unity work?

Unity is a widespread development environment that can be used for free by small and medium-sized companies. With Unity, you can develop multi-platform apps and mobile games efficiently and prototype faster. It provides a set of easily available tools, such as assets, plugins, and libraries, and offers a low entry threshold for app creation.

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Unity game engine

The engine was initially created for Unity game development. Business people and developers value the possibility of creating 3D graphics in a relatively simple way, without the need for remarkable programming skills. Thanks to unity development, you can build your game once and deploy it to all leading platforms, such as PlayStation, Xbox One, or NintendoSwitch.

The benefits of Unity

Unity programming is eagerly used not only in the gaming industry but also in manufacturing, automotive, or engineering because it:

  • Works excellent in prototyping; the app prototype can be sketched quickly without setting up the whole architecture
  • Is cross-platform; works perfectly on both iOS, Android, and other platforms and operating systems
  • Works with many languages; developers can write code in their native technologies, such as C#, C++, Python, or Java
  • Is great for augmented reality/virtual reality development
  • Allows for UI responsiveness; developers can arrange and scale containers from the editor level
  • Is highly popular, so it offers access to a larger pool of developers and resources, such as Unity’s dedicated learning platform.

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