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What is PHP?

Dating back to the 90s, PHP is an established, general-purpose scripting language. After all these years, it remains one of the core technologies in website and web app development. The numbers speak for themselves – the PHP language is used by 80% of the most popular internet creations. Flexible yet stable, PHP works great for both simple websites and complex web portals alike.

PHP meaning

Originally, the PHP abbreviation stood for Personal Home Page. Now the name of the PHP language stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.

What is PHP programming?

PHP web development entails operations carried out on the server side, utilizing server resources. As such, PHP web development allows for performing complex calculations requiring greater resources than a client-side computer. As a result, PHP is the right choice for the dynamic creation of high-performance websites and applications dealing with large amounts of data. PHP can be used in an array of databases such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.

PHP development requires 3 things for efficient execution: PHP Parser, outputting data in a format easy to read for machines; Web Server, executing PHP files to form hypertext documents; and Web Browser, allowing developers to view the page through the server.

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The benefits of PHP

There are many reasons for the popularity of PHP, some of which are:

  • Open-source: enabling developers to conveniently edit code structures and apply them in any project
  • Accessibility: PHP is a safe choice for building lasting applications, as the developer pool makes it easy to find an experienced team
  • Cross-platform: can be used in various applications and environments
  • Cost efficient: easy to set up and requiring minimal hosting plans, PHP contributes to low-cost project execution
  • Frameworks: PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and Phalcon provide libraries for widely used functions, reducing the amount of necessary code to be written for each project

PHP applications

Internet giants have a long history of building their products and services using the PHP code. Yahoo!, WordPress, Facebook, Slack, Spotify, Trivago, Skillshare, and Tumblr – and many others to follow utilize the reliable, server-side scripting language. As a long-standing solution, PHP is expected to last for years to come, securing web projects from becoming obsolete anytime soon.

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