Amids the year-end hustle and bustle, we’ve decided to get square with 2021.
Looking at the past events from a perspective, no matter if you do it from your own or company standpoint, is a wholesome activity that allows you to appreciate them, your team, and figure out where you want to get. Highly recommended!
We had planned it to be brief but it turned out the way it did… Still, there’s a bonus at the end, so keep on reading.
The team
It’s kind of a cliché, but the team is companies’ greatest asset and that’s why we want to begin with them.
In numbers
In 2021, our team has grown to 105 people. There are exactly 21 great specialists more than in 2020. And all lovely people (thank you, folks!).
We’ve reached the magical 100 in May, which is kind of a yardstick of success for us. Altogether 1472 candidates applied for various positions and we’ve hired 3% of them (only, since we’re highly selective 😎).
We’ve organized two rounds of summer internships, both in Wrocław (R&D) and Białystok (front-end). Two interns have joined the team – and we hope it will be for long. Speaking of, one of our former interns, Kuba, celebrated the 5th anniversary in NeuroSYS this year. Yay!
Our team members held 13 internal project meetups and 5 technical meetups to share knowledge with their colleagues. It’s 1.5 meetups a month!
Internal projects
In 2021, we’ve introduced internal miniProjects in NeuroSYS. Each employee can form their team and carry out their project during the working time (yes, we pay for it!). So far, 32 team members have participated in miniProjects.
Our yearly employee satisfaction survey published in February showed that 94% of employees would recommend NeuroSYS to their friends and 96% perceive NeuroSYS as a cool employer. Yay!
Office parties
That might not be the most advantageous time for company get-togethers, but we try our best to organize smaller and bigger ones. Participation is of course voluntary, as working from the office is. By the way, we’ve got more and more people working with us 100% remotely (cheers to Gdańsk, Gdynia, Warsaw, Katowice, Poznań, and Toruń!).
But back to the point, in the summer we took part in a city game (having its grand finale in a beach bar) and boat party, then came a Halloween party, decorating the tree together, and Xmassy wine tasting workshops. There is also a budget, renewing every Q, for every team to go bowling, to the cinema, or just grab a few drinks.

ISO certification
Since March 2021, NeuroSYS has been officially ISO-compliant, which is a major step for us. Now, our business partners can be sure we represent the highest quality of development services and data protection standards.
Business trips and more
We were active in a lot of fields. We’ve:
- participated in two economic missions: Sindex in Bern (with our Nsflow platform) and Expo 2020 in Dubai
- taken part, most often as speakers, in the Inaugurating Conference of the National IoT Innovation Showroom in Katowice, Economic Forum in Karpacz, Made in Wrocław, Global Entrepreneurship Week (3 webinars)
- become Concordia Design Accelerator business partner
- published 33 blog posts on (a very recommended read)
- started distributing our monthly newsletter
They wrote about us
Just a few examples of publications:
- MyCompany mentioning our LMS platform Samelane
- Mam Startup on Industry 4.0 and our Nsflow platform
- Mam Startup covering startups that shape Polish industry
- Bankier mentioning our deep learning system for microorganism classification
- State of Polish AI report – NeuroSYS among the leading Polish AI companies
- An in-depth interview at Website Planet with our CEO, Tomasz
- Analytics Insight – NeuroSYS ranked among the world’s 10 best companies pioneering innovation
- NeuroSYS has been featured in the top list of Artificial Intelligence Companies on
- Industry 4.0 Innovation Radar with Nsflow
- our article appeared in HR Compendium by
New look
Last in order but not of importance, we and our platforms got a facelift:
- NeuroSYS has a new homepage
- Samelane has a brand new website
- Nsflow has undergone a rebranding, a new logo, brand colors, website, etc. included.
We’ve also changed NeuroSYS to NeuroTOMEX on April 1, but this is probably a different kettle of fish. 😉